Kathleen McHugh
2022 Museum of the Americas, Dubai Prints Festival, Alliance Francaise, October 2022, Dubai
2020 California Fluxfest 2020, Los Angeles, California
2020 Museum of the Americas, Dubai Prints Festival, Alliance Francaise, March 2020, Dubai
2019 The Last Waltz, Islip Art Museum, NY, September 2019 Islip, New York
2018 Impulse Art Gallery Houston, December Holiday Show, Houston, Texas
2017 Migrations, Mount Baker Artists Gallery, February 2017, Seattle, Washington
2017 Women Art Scientist Testament Exploration August-September 2017 at Stone Valley Arts Center in Poultney, Vermont
October- November 2017 at Castleton State University Fine Arts Ctr. Premier Gallery in Castleton, Vermont, Curated by Tara Verhide
2016- Taza Biennial 2nd Edition, Gallery Space C. A, August 2016, Taza Morocco
2016- Spring International Exhibition, March 2016, Taza Morocco
2015- December, Human Alchemy, from the Genetic Jazz series , solo exhibition at Perez Castellanos, Montevideo, Uruguay
2014 Ex Postal Facto, San Francisco Center for the Book, San Francisco, CA 2/142/16, curated by Jennie Hinchcliff and John Held Jr.
2014 A Child’s Heart (a tribute to the works of Hayao Miyazaki) Urban Light Studios, Seattle, WA 1/10/2014, curated by Xavier Lopez Jr., and David Champeau
2014- American Girl, Small Works, Ventiperventi, Napoli, Italia
2014- Art is Our Last Hope, Phoenix Art Museum, archived at the Smithsonian
October 1 to November 23, 2014
MonOrchid Gallery, 214 East Roosevelt Street - December 5, 2014 to January 12, 2015
2013 100 Artists 100 Dreams Official Exhibition, exhibiting works by artists featured in the film 100 Artists 100 Dreams, Milfred I. Washington Art Gallery, Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, NY, 10/711/2, curated by Sadee Brathwaite.
20132014 2° edizione Biennale Internazionale del Libro D’Artista, Museum Nabilafluxus, Treviso Regione Veneto Italy, opening 10/5, Curatrice Virginia Milici
2013 ABAD Australia, Tweed River Art Gallery, 10/1811/24, Murwillumbah, New South Wales
2013- GUTAI, Walter and McBean Galleries, San Francisco Art Institute, California 2/8-3/30
curated by John Held, Jr. and Andrew McClintock
2013-"METROPOLIS" Northeast INDIA, January 2013
2012- Museum of the Americas, Travel Gallery, Vienna Austria 10/14-11/1
2012-"METROPOLIS" Northeast INDIA June 2012
2012- Collage Assemblage Centennial 1912-2012 The Ontological Museum, Pagosa Springs, Co
KYF, Assam, India
2012- January 6-28, Ex Libris, Davidson Galleries, Seattle, WA.
2012- January 13-Feb 3 "International Artists Monoprint 2012", Museum of the Americas, Doral, FL.
2011- November-December A Book About Death, curator/artist, QUETZALCOATL GALLERY, Seattle, WA
2011- November "Metropolis" Assam, India
2011- November- Women In Art, Centro Cultural J.E.RODÓ de Santa Lucía, Uruguay
2011- August 25 - September 10 "Eve In Relation and Identity" solo exhibition QUETZALCOATL GALLERY, Seattle, WA
2011- July 31-Sept 2 THE TIES THAT BIND The Second Ave. Firehouse Gallery, Bayshore, NY
2011-2012 TELL ME TELL ME: AUSTRALIAN AND KOREAN ART 1976-2011 Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, Australia 17 June - 24 August 2011 National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul, Korea, 8 Nov 2011 – 19 Feb 2012
2011- (Artist Preview February, 2011 with a reception on Saturday February 5, 5 - 7pm) Oct '100 Artists/ 100 Dreams', Kingston, New York, curated by Sadee Brathwaite / film director Jacklyn Heyen Artists/ 100 Dreams, curated by Sadee Brathwaite, New York, fall 2011- To quote Ms. Brathwaite's description: " The Film features visuals, audio and text by 100 contemporary artists. Narrated in parts in the languages of the international participating artists, the film crosses multi-cultural and multi-dimensional barriers. The Film will debut during Ione's 15th Annual Dream Festival in October 2011 in KIngston, New York".
2011- June 20-July 20 Ventiperventi, Napoli, Italia
2011- May Memento ABAD, Willow North Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
2011- March, Art Dubai, Presentation of artist work by the Museum of the Americas
2011- March Un Libro Sulla Morte Omaggio a Ray Johnson ABAD ITALIA, Nuovo Archivio International Biblioteca, Centrale Libreria Costaneiro Galleria Piazza Giorgione, Castelfranco Veneto, (Treviso) Italy.
2011- March "FAXINATION JAPAN", XYZ Collective, Tokyo, JAPAN
2011 Feb. Toy Art International Exhibition at MuBE (Troyart individual artist designs), Museu Brasileiro da Escultura São Paulo - Brasil, curator Angela Ferrara
2011 Feb. ANTIMUSEO OF POSTMODERN ART, ARTISTS IN ARTHOUSING EDITION 1º Maria Cecilia Bossi - Italia Noemi Silvera - Uruguay Josep Segui Rico - España Guadalupe Rodriguez - Venezuela Kathleen McHugh - USA Maya lopez Muro - Argentina, Uruguay
2010- Frida Kahlo Omaggi, Treviso Italy, Curator Virginia Milici
2010 Nov. -Mvd Elysium Gallery - Uruguay
2010 Nov.- Museo Jose pedro Varela del Uruguay -
2011 Summer- La Biennale de Montevideo, Antimuseo -Uruguay
2011 March, KIWA #6 Exhibition, Kyoto, Japan
2010 Nov. Toy Art International Exhibition at MuBE (Troyart individual artist designs), Museu Brasileiro da Escultura São Paulo - Brasil, curator Angela Ferrara
2010 Nov "Fluxface in Space" exhibition project for the Fluxmuseum, Ft. Worth, Texas
2010- Nov " IO PINOCCHIO E I MIEI RICORDI" Villa Guidini Zero Branco (Treviso, Italy) curator Virginia Milici
2010- October Fluxhibition #4, at Fort Worth Community Arts Center, Fort Worth, TX The FluxMuseum is pleased to present its fourth international exhibition of recent acquisitions to the permanent collection.
2010- Oct 15- Nov 1 "A Book About Death @ Belknap Mill, Laconia, NH
2010- Sept. 18- Oct. 18 Biennale Del Libro D'Artista, Palazzo Merolla Marano di Napoli, Italy curated by Gennaro Ippolito and Giovanna Donnarumma
2010- Sept. 17-Sept 25 The Prostitution of Art at Mobius, Boston MA curated by James Ellis Coleman and Jane Wang
2010- Oct 31- Nov 4 Sal Art Gallery, Long Island University, New York "A Book About Death"
2010 July 31-Aug 31 RNG Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska "A Book About Death"
2010- June, 'Objects of the Dead' at Barratt Galleries, Alstonville, Australia, curated by Julie Barratt
2010- April- May, 'A Book About Death', Museum of Modern Art, Wales, curated by Sonja Benskin Mesher
2010- Feb - March, 'Um Livro Sobre A Morte', MUBE: Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, Sao Paulo, Brazil, curated by Angela Ferrara
2009-2010 Brno House of Arts, Cz Republic, Gallery of the Good Shepherd, Brno, Cz Republic, Museum auf Abruf, Vienna
2009- A Book About Death, September 10-22, Emily Harvey Foundation Gallery, 537 Broadway, NYC, NY, Mobius Artists Group exhibited A Book About Death at the South End Open Studios, 725 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, on September 19 - 20, 2009, The River Mill Art Gallery in New Jersey, The Otis College of Art and Design exhibition A Book About Death opens on October 11 and runs through October 31, A Book About Death at The Queens Art Museum opens on November 1 and runs through November 15, 2009..."organizadas exposições em Montreal, Ciudad de México, Berlim e possivelmente São Paulo".
2009-1-15 September 09: International Art Exhibition (juried) (Curator) Curadora Liliana Bos, Museum Roca, Recoleta District, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2009- PNA- Phinney Center Gallery, Seattle, WA Kathleen McHugh and Scott McDougall exhibit paintings inspired by water.
2009- Museum of The Americas Artists Presentation, ART SANTA FE 2009, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2009- International May Salon, Museum of the Americas, Miami
2009- Museum of the Americas, Miami, International Exhibition of Women in the Arts 2009
2009- Paintings presented in CD format by The Museum of the Americas at Art Dubai 2009
2009- The Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston and the Museum of the Americas II INTERNATIONAL ART EXHIBITION
2009- Salon Barcelona, Spain En el concurso Salon Invierno Barcelona 09
2007- Richard Hugo House, October- Project: Neruda, Language Territories 2004-2005, exhibition of selected works.
2007- Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Seattle, WA August-September
2007-Santiago, Chile, "Ode to the Cat",acrylic on canvas, in the permanent collection and traveling exhibition of TRANSVERSAL.
2007- North American Institute of Temuco, Chile, exhibition of selected hand-made artist books, "Neruda and the Sea", & "Spirits of the Dead"
2007- Libro arte euroamericano 2007 presentaciones/EVENTS
2006- Remembering Pinochet, (Proyecto 19731990) Chile, Muñozcoloma: Curriculum / Actividades
2005- Museum of the Americas on Location, International Art Fairs, Germany & Malaga, Spain, Gent, Belgium
2005- Museum of the Americas, Miami International Exhibition of Women in the Arts 2005
2004- Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, 2004 Women Trauma and Visual expression art documented Juror: Amy Stacey Curtis
2001- Pigs on Parade 2001, Seattle, WA - Creative Expressions Project Seed Bead Sow
1999- Sense of Place; Juried: Women's Caucus for Art, San Juan Bautista, CA - Juried by Phyllis Peet, Phd
Cornish Alumni Art Exhibition, Seattle, WA - 1999, 1997, 1996
1995-A Way To Say- SeaFirst Gallery
1991- Group Exhibition, Brno, Slovakia - 1991
1989- Group Exhibition, House of Humor and Satire, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
1987- WA State Juried Exhibition, Painting and Sculpture '87," Tacoma Art Museum , Curated by Howard Fox
1986- Group Exhibition, House of Humor and Satire, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
1983- Museum of History & Industry, Seattle, WA
2016- Honorable Mention and Silver Award, Taza Morocco
2015- “Golden Honorable Mention” Biennial Friouato, Taza Morocco
2009- "Menciòn de Honor" Museo Roca Buenos Aires, Argentina
2009- "Menciòn de Honor" Salon Invierno Barcelona 09, Galeria Esart, Barcelona, Spain
1994- Public Art Award ArtsWest for 24 Metro Bus shelter panels created with youth
1985-1986 Lynn McAllister Gallery, Seattle, Washington
2011- Almendra Sandoval QUETZALCOATL GALLERY, Seattle, Washington
WomenArts Network
Society of American Mosaic Artists (2014)
A Book About Death ( BOOK ABOUT DEATH : ARTISTS CONTRIBUTE 500 POST CARDS EACH TO CREATE AN UNBOUND BOOK ABOUT DEATH. AN HOMAGE TO RAY JOHNSON, A CELEBRATION OF EMILY HARVEY, A GLOBAL EXPLORATION OF DEATH, organized by Matthew Rose) is part of the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, NY and the LA County Museum of Art Research Library, MUBE: Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Museum of Modern Art, Wales. ABAD The Last Waltz is part of the permanent collection of The Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., the Alternative Traditions in Contemporary Arts Archive of the University of Iowa, The Book Art Museum in Lodz, Poland, The Waskomium in Burlington, Vt. and The Islip Art Museum
Archivo Vortice Argentina
Barratt Galleries, Alstonville, Australia
Gina Lotta Post Artistamp Museum, Jupiter, Fl
International Museum of Collage, Assemblage, and Construction (IMCAC), Fort Worth, Texas
Landfillart.org, An Artist Reclamation Project, curator Ken Marquis, Marquis Gallery, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania,
Museu Brasileiro da Escultura São Paulo - Brasil
MOA/Museum of Artistamps, Seattle, WA
Elmadani Belmadani, ed. World Masters of Contemporary Art, Taza Biennials since 2014, Print.
Phillips, Renee, Vision, Passion & Purpose, ARTISTS As World Changers, 2013 Print.
Vision, Passion & Purpose: ARTISTS As World Changers is a compendium of inspiring short stories about 88 compassionate and proactive visual Artists who are bringing positive change to the world .
Gina Lotta Post ed. Artistamp Museum Catalog: Volume 3, 2013 Print.
Sandoval, Almendra ed. A Book About Death Seattle. Seattle: Quetzalcoatl Gallery 2012 Print. Forward by Matthew Rose
Sadee Brathwaite curator, Jacklyn Heyden film director '100 Artists/ 100 Dreams', Kingston, New York 2011 Film.
Susana d’ Momo ed. Arte Euroamericano 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina Print.
Carlos Giudicessi ed. Contemporary Women Artists, B.A.C.E. (BIBLIOTECA DE ARTISTAS DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS) Barcelona, Spain, 2009 Print.
The publication is archived with the Library of Congress and the Rutgers University Library.
Susana d’ Momo ed. Arte Euroamericano 2009 Buenos Aires, Argentina 2009 Print.
Maria de Lourdes Victoria ed. Mujer Entre Letras, Seattle, WA 2007 Print.
Susana d’ Momo ed. Arte Euroamericano 2006 Buenos Aires, Argentina 2006 Print.
Pigs On Parade, Kathleen McHugh & The Creative Expressions Project, Seattle, WA 2001 Print.
Marjorie Rommel, ed. Ghost In The Garden, Seattle, WA 1995 Print.
Online article:
A Museum of Art Stamps Opens on the Shore of Lake Union
All Merciful Saviour Russian Orthodox Monastery, Vashon Island, WA - 2000
Icon of The Crucifixion: egg tempera on wood, 4'x 6.5'
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Shady Cove, OR - 1993
Stations of the Cross
Seattle Dept. of Neighborhoods - 1996
Ascending Flock
Beacon Hill mural Nine 4'x 8' panels
Multi-disciplinary artistic collaborations include Summer Marionette Opera Camp productions of The Magic Flute and The Barber of Seville , Seattle WA 1997-98, Painted costumes for The Leaving Ground Dance Company, Oklahoma City, Ok 1996, Co- author of "Destejer y tejer en Cecilia Vicuna" an article of literary and art criticism about the work of Cecilia Vicuna, sponsored by Sociedad Chilena Estudios Litarios (SOCHEL) 1994 -
Volunteer: Seattle University sponsored-
"Creative Expressions" at the WA State Reformatory, Monroe, WA
Art Instructor & Coordinator of Public Art Projects - 1994 - 2003
Includes two METRO bus shelters and two murals created for the Seattle Police Dept. South Precinct to be used in a way to enhance community/police relations in South Seattle.
2011-2015 Founder of Artwell, an associated program of Shunpike , to offer quality arts experiences to underserved people in SE Seattle
2013-2014 Co-presented art workshops/classes at The Fremont Abbey Arts Center
2012- Imagining Seattle, Artwell Project at Van Asselt , funded by Youth Arts Grant from the Mayor's Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs
2011- Art, Music, Architecture and Math For Teens at Van Asselt Community Center, New Holly, Artwell, an associated program of Shunpike, project funded by Target
2011- Summer-Van Asselt/New Holly, ARC, Seattle, WA.
2011- 2014. Drawing class instructor for the Art Wizards
2011- Designed and implemented an Arts Preschool @ El Centro de la Raza, sponsored by SEED ARTS, Seattle, WA.
2003 - 2014 The Nature Consortium, Seattle, WA - Youth Art Program Artist/Instructor at a variety of local public housing communities. Painting, Clay, Murals, Mixed Media, Printmaking, Mosaic
2010-2011 Arts In Motion, Seattle, WA.
2009- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound, metro bus shelter mural, mosaic
2006- Shoreline Community College Extended Learning, Mosaic
2002- Cascadia Community College Extended Learning, Adult Drawing Class
2002-2005 Seattle Parks, Adult drawing class
1996 - 2003. Seniors Making Art, founded by Dale Chihuly - Instructor providing art projects for Senior Centers
and Senior Health Care Centers.
1997-2000 St. Bernadette Grade School - Art Specialist, designed and taught "art principles and practice" classes to meet benchmark learning requirements- grade 4 through 8 & 2012-present St Bernadette School fine art classes for k-7
1997-1999 Co-founder and Instructor of an art academy which provided free,
community building quality art experiences for Youth Partners with the Seattle Police Dept. in Southeast Seattle
Artist Residencies and teaching artist positions:
A variety of settings including, but not limited to, Seniors Making Art, founded by Dale Chihuly, 1996-2003, Community College Extended Learning Classes, Special Projects Program, King County Arts Commission, 1996, At- Risk Youth Arts, Orion Center for "A Way To Say" Seafirst Gallery, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound 2009, Bailey Gatzert school wide outdoor mosaic 2003, St Edward's school wide outdoor mosaic 1997, The Nature Consortium/ King County Murray SCO Control Facility Fence Art 2012, King County Libraries, Seattle Public Libraries and The Creative Expressions Project at the Monroe State Prison.
Special Projects Program, King County Arts Commission
- 1996 Created mosaic peace dove with youth at Orion Center installed and dedicated at Mt St Vincent. Youth and seniors attended the dedication ceremony for the dove installed outside chapel entrance.
SeaFirst Gallery exhibition of artists and youth art. Created large mixed media mural with street youth at Orion Center 1995
ArtsWest - 24 METRO Bus Panels created with youth - 1994
1988 - 1989 Seattle University - Graduate Program in Theology
1982 Cornish Institute - Bachelor of Fine Art in Painting
1975 - 1979 St. Martin's College - Liberal Arts & Honors Program in English Literature
1973 - 1975 Evergreen State College - Classes in Foundation Program in the Arts